Step Five: Define Happiness and a Happy Life
Without any reading or research, define and write down your definition Happiness and explain what Happiness means to you.
Then write down your definition of A Happy Life. Keep both definitions in your Happiness file or folder.
Warning: This is very hard for most people. Dictionary definitions, encyclopedias, Internet searches and psychology references don't provide satisfying or meaningful answers.
How can you expect to be happy or happier if you don't know what happiness is, what a happy life is or how to achieve them? Our happiness is left to chance and circumstance.
Don't worry, we'll define Happiness and a Happy Life in later sections. What's important is for you to find definitions of a Happiness and a Happy Life that work for you. Here's why...
Too many people chase after material Success thinking Success will bring then happiness and then they are often very disappointed. Happiness and Success are two very different things.
There are lots of very successful people who are not especially happy and who don't have happy families or work environments. Michael Jackson comes to mind.
Achievement and accomplishment are important components of a happy life, but by themselves they do not always bring happiness.
Happiness and material Success are two very different things.
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